Thursday, February 09, 2006

A 100 reasons to be excited

Tomorrow represents the hundred day celebration for Child1 at school. This week Child1 was asked to submit something to the 100 gallery. If you forgot how Child1 did it read the early post this week. Parent2 was able to confirm their attendance during the gallery exhibit and Child1 is so excited. Don't feel bad for Child2 because tomorrow represents quality time with Grammy with a 3 generation lunch.

Tonight I got to make the circuit around the Southern part of the state and then did it all over again to be at work. CamMad had their gymnastics night. Due to this 'rent's travelling around the state CamMad got to enjoy the night for Parent2 with the coaches. When I got home I got the full report that they did real well and Parent2 still had their sanity.

Our thoughts and prayers go to CamMad's cousin who's going to see a doctor tomorrow to make sure bm's are easier. We are all hoping for the best possible results. We'll be there if surgery is required but we hope not.

This 'rent is exhausted and their still is another week before CamMad is on vacation! Tomorrow we have the famous VDay Dance that I foolishly volunteered to chaperone. Tonight a great celebration at work as a great co-worker is moving on to bigger and better things and the children had a great celebration showing off their dino knowledge for a "dino"nite.

We have many other reasons to be excited to numerous to mention on this blog tonight. As this weekend will provide great material as we are getting ready for VDay. 'till then...


At 9:51 PM , Blogger Sheepish Annie said...

Got tired just reading this post...must rest! And my school isn't even at the 100 day mark yet!


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