The Games Children Play
It surprises me some of the games children play when they want something. Child2 as part of the night-night process will get our attention by wanting a book that the kid has slid under the door into the hallway. Child2 will call out for the 'rents to come and get the book and oh by the way why don't you put me back in the bed. This process will occur on a good night only 2 or 3 times. On bad nights this will go on for a hour or so.
Child1 is more direct. The kid just tells us what it wants and then will be relentless until either we give in or the child gets so frustrated that a tempertantrum ensues. Either one can be very entertaining depending on what kind of day we've had a work. The games we play always bring interesting results.
On another subject, we've been brainstroming different things to put in the 100 day bag for school. Baring any snow days we will be celebrating it on Friday. Child1 thought long and hard about what can go in the bag. The first idea was 100 Hershey kisses. Our response was quick and decisive, "try again". We came up with a lot of different ideas but the one that stuck was 100 words. Tonight we were going to start the process of coming up with 100 words to type up and put in the bag but as we go to sit down at the computer we hear, "I don't want to do 100 words." Both of us were thinking okay what now. We started to go through the same list as yesterday and then we hear 100 pennies. I said "we can do it." Parent2 said do we have 100 pennies and my response was "Yeah, I think so." I brought down the big bag and my child devised a plan on how to count them for the bag. Here is the picture:
look at the detail 2 rows of 5, 10 pennies in a box for 10 boxes. Child1 definitely has higher order thinking skills. It is now time for 24 and I must focus on the show.
Child 1 is the genius I always thought she was!!!! Start saving for Harvard...
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