Sunday, February 05, 2006

CamMad's lungs vs. Any Opera Singer

If we ever had a showdown between CamMad's lungs vs. Any Opera Singer's lung it would certainly go to the judges' cards. Last night was just another example where CamMad would flex their vocal cords somewhere between 1 AM and 3 AM. Usually it is Child1 but within the last week Child2 is quickly catching up. Child2 was up around 2 AM screaming for Parent2, this was after the hour+ in going to sleep that had Child1 fall asleep first. I went in and stayed in with the Child trying to calm the savage beast, no I didn't sing that would have made it worse. After 20 minutes I had to use the facilities. While I was away Parent2 went in and tried to silence the wailing child. After another 20 minutes Parent2 had to use the facilities. At that point we were going to try to wait it out. After another 10 minutes, a grand total of 50 minutes, the savage beast returned to the peaceful sleeping child that everyone else knows. The funny thing was that Child1 who usually is sensitive to noise didn't even wake up, go figure.


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