Sunday, January 22, 2006

It is tiring trying to be selfless

This weekend the focus has been on Parent2's big day. Everything I've tried to do as been in support of this big day. Waking up on Saturday with a slight cold but I knew that couldn't stop me. Yesterday we went to breakfast with the family and had a good time. After coming home to let child2 take their nap I took Child1 so that we could get the necessary stuff for a special dinner and the birthday cake. After coming home I was wiped and while I was watching "This Old House Hour" I took a power nap that I shouldn't have as it kept up very late that night. Overall CamMad has been good going with the flow. This afternoon may have been the breaking point.

The plan was to get up and get going with a date at the local bowling center and use up some if not all of the craft store card Parent2 got or maybe check out the closing sales at LYS. Parent2 wanted to lounge around and by the time we were really ready to get going Child2 was ready for a nap. Being the realist I knew that no one would have fun if Child2 did not get their sleep so I made the executive decision to put off the bowling date by a week. Parent2 was fine with the idea but Child1 was very distraut. The child had focused so much of their attention to the bowling trip it was the start of the end of my patience. Redirection helped, then "lunch". No matter what I offered Child1 was not going to be satisfied. The child was content with their lunch choice until the child felt that it was burnt. Child1 can not stand their meals being burnt. To the child well-done (as it was in this case) is considered burnt. God help the person who marries this one. This person better be able to cook!

Once the lunch fiasco was solved we loaded up the car to spend $$$$. Car rides are always a crap-shoot. Sometimes it can be very relaxing as everyone is sleeping, entertaining when everyone is sharing a song, or torturous when we need to keep children awake or constantly hearing "What can I do now?" (Soon I blog about the wonderful invention of the DVD in the car even though we don't have one) Unfortunately this car ride was not entertaining, moderately relaxing, and borderline torturous. Eventually we made it to mecca area for shopping. Everywhere we went Child2 was only happy as long as we didn't need to stop and look at anything. Child1 wanted to put their hands on everything even though the child knew it was about Parent2. I tried my best to shield Parent2 from the wants and desires of CamMad as my cold started to win the battle for the need to rest. Eventually we made it and Parent2 came home with some "crafty" stuff to work on over the next few weeks.

The drive home was closer to the torture some of the car rides can be for CamMad. Everyone was starting to get tired and the sun was directly in our eyes. I knew that anyone who went to sleep now would be up very late tonight. A quick stop at the grocery store and we made it home with no bruises, crushed egos, or screaming children or adults. All in all I think Parent2 has enjoyed the weekend because the family unit was together without any distractions of the dreaded "have-tos". Right now I'm exhausted and we still have the cake (oh great sugar and kids what a match) to go tonight, baths for the kids, all while the need to get ready for the week ahead at work. It is tiring trying to be selfless.


At 6:37 PM , Blogger Sheepish Annie said...

There is a special place in heaven for selfless parents: the Pats are always playing and all vehicles have DVDs.

At 6:46 PM , Blogger mrichme said...

Thank you for placating me. I really appreciate it.


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