Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A little disappointing 'Idol'

Today has been a very full day. A pretty good day at work. There wasn't any watershed moments to cause me to think of the countdown. Thank you everyone at work!!!!!!

Parent2 emailed with the news that the car was ready and that I didn't have to pick up Child2. When the news was broken to Child1 I got a sarcastic "oh shucks!" What to do with time on your hands and a paycheck in your pocket...Wal-Mart. The only condition that Parent2 gave me was to pick up something for dinner. Today we went all over the store picked up a variety of different things (razors, saline, belts, diapers, glass bowls, spatula, dove chocolate, etc) with no particular rhyme or reason other than I haven't been able to go since we were a one car family. Eventually we made our way home without buying any toys for CamMad!!!!

When we got home we opened up a donation of clothes from someone at work whose child has outgrown and didn't want it taking up space. We got so much stuff it was as if Child1 got a whole new wardrobe. Thank you :)

I made dinner and I was starting to eye some of the Walmart goodies: dove dark chocolate, cool whip, coconut. This would become dessert in a little while. I made my first REAL effort in dessert making: Chocolate Peanut Butter Truffles rolled in Coconut. The attempt was modeled after a reverse Mounds candy. Yes, Sheepish I will bring some Saturday at the Academic Decathlon competition. I gave them the taste test and it wasn't too bad. The peanut butter was a little strong (necessary) but it doesn't need to be the dominant flavor. I think before Saturday's events I will have a better batch for us to enjoy while watching high school students demonstrate their academic muscles.

By the time I got all of the have-tos out of the way it was time for American Idol. I have to admit it now, I not impressed with this week's crew. I was constantly turning it over to Deal or No Deal. I can't believe that last lady didn't push it farther. She was definitely second guessing herself as Howie was playing devil's advocate. Idol is going to step it up if they want me to continue to count on me to watch.

Tomorrow is my long-long day: hard day at work and gymnastics for Child1. Wish me luck as I balance all of these little projects hoping not to let any of them fall.

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At 9:58 PM , Blogger Sheepish Annie said...

Can't wait!!!!! I am always willing to be the designated taste-tester. I shall be knitting with 100% acrylic and highly washable yarn so chocolatey fingers will not be a problem.

At 10:04 PM , Blogger mrichme said...

I've packed Cottonelle wipes just in case! I just had another taste test and they tasted better refrigerated. Maybe truffles are like pasta, better when they sit for a length of time and not eaten right away.


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