Monday, January 09, 2006

Do children take pleasure in torturing the parents?

Tonight child 2 went a little overboard with the night-night process. We spent an hour+ of listening to "Bang, Bang, Bang" on the bedroom door and the screams of "Mom, Mom, Dad, Dad". One of us would go in and put child 2 back to bed only to have it repeated over and over again. I'm not sure why the last time worked better than the 15 times before it. Child 1 just fights the idea of going to sleep. Usually Child 1 will settle and be asleep within 15 minutes, only getting to the point of settle can seem like an eternity. I'm sure my mom would laugh reading this post as she would tell me the stories of how I might have tortured her at their ages. I know that our experiences can be mild compared to others, we stress consistency as much as we can. For Child 2 consistency comes in a different form, that's all.

If it is not the night rituals that torture us it is the morning routines. On mornings when I don't have to rush to work everyone seems to be us early (before 5 AM). It seems like CamMad knows the mornings that I need to be work as soon as I can be and they have to almost be dragged out of bed and fight every step of the morning routine. I'm sure Sheepish would have an entertaining take on the entry. As much as I vent here the idea of having your child fall asleep in your arms or next to you is priceless and I don't think I would have it any other way.


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