Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A new theory about children behavior...

I have a new theory when it comes to children's behavior and the different phases of the moon. You've heard me talk about the connection between the full moon and children's "off" behavior. Off as in behaviors that are uncommon and usually uncharacteristic. Well my new theory now includes the "new" moon. Lately I've noticed a lot of children's, mine included, behaviors being off. At first I chalked it up to the upcoming siesta and mass presents that might be coming their way. I looked at the calendar and realized the new moon was this morning! Ah-ha a rational explanation of children's least that is what I've convinced myself.

Each day that leads up to the siesta brings new challenges to the CamMad household. Today's challenge: a gift for Child1's beloved teacher. Right after school I returned to shopping mode, something which I thought I had finished. Fortunately I had a plan: Go right after school, pick the "mini" mall instead of "the mall", and I wasn't looking for the perfect gift just a good one. I stuck to the plan and 20 minutes later we were done!

I made a discovery today: I need more protein in my diet. I'm dragging in the late afternoon after a long day at school. I realized that as soon as I have some dinner I have this new energy to get the rest of my work done (thus why I'm blogging tonight). Conclusion: Protein=Energy=Alert Parent for CamMad. Sheepish Annie has almost completed her fasting with fruit. I don't need to as far as she has but I need to add some protein bars right after school to give me the necessary energy to make it home safely and not require my power nap that keeps me up even later.

We're hoping that Santa doesn't judge Child2's behavior in the last couple of days as the final determining the naughty or nice list. If Santa looks at the whole body of work we're fine if not we might be in trouble. We still love that Child not matter what.

Tomorrow night is normally a gymnastics night but it has been canceled to make way for the town to have their holiday party. This means there is a good chance I will be able to blog. I hope everyone has a great Thursday!


At 9:10 PM , Blogger Sheepish Annie said...

Stupid, stupid fruit. I am so tired I can't even function after twelve o'clock. I have a cool recipe for energy bars that I got in my new veggie cookbook that I'm going to try in Jan. when I start my class. I'm gonna need the boost. Meanwhile, I'm gearing up for some chocolate and trans fats. Happy Sheepie!


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