Monday, March 27, 2006

Compliments for CamMad

For those of you who know me I'm not good at accepting compliments. In most cases the compliments are my level of expectation so I don't feel people need to go out of their way to provide the compliment. Over the last few days I've been hearing a lot of compliments about CamMad and in directly the 'rents. The compliments have been centered around how easy-going or well-manner CamMad is around their peers or in social situations. Usually I hear "Well their behavior is a reflection of your parenting." I will usually humor the person and say thank you but in my head I'm saying "That's what I expect and if they aren't please let me know." I need to do a better job of just accepting the compliment.

Good night one and all, as 24 is getting started and I'm about to veg out.

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At 6:37 PM , Blogger Sheepish Annie said...

They are perfect. They started that way. They will always be that way. I am the auntie. I reserve the right to see only perfection. Period. Still and all, you can take credit. It's perfectly ok. But even if you don't...they are perfect.

At 8:07 PM , Blogger mrichme said...

Thanks but like I said I feel weird accepting a compliment for something that is an expectation. Oh well


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