Compliments for CamMad
For those of you who know me I'm not good at accepting compliments. In most cases the compliments are my level of expectation so I don't feel people need to go out of their way to provide the compliment. Over the last few days I've been hearing a lot of compliments about CamMad and in directly the 'rents. The compliments have been centered around how easy-going or well-manner CamMad is around their peers or in social situations. Usually I hear "Well their behavior is a reflection of your parenting." I will usually humor the person and say thank you but in my head I'm saying "That's what I expect and if they aren't please let me know." I need to do a better job of just accepting the compliment.
Good night one and all, as 24 is getting started and I'm about to veg out.
Good night one and all, as 24 is getting started and I'm about to veg out.
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They are perfect. They started that way. They will always be that way. I am the auntie. I reserve the right to see only perfection. Period. Still and all, you can take credit. It's perfectly ok. But even if you don't...they are perfect.
Thanks but like I said I feel weird accepting a compliment for something that is an expectation. Oh well
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