Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Negativity Sucks

This has been one of the most stressful beginnings of the school year that I can remember. There is a lot of negativity floating around in the school. I'm trying really hard not to let any of the negativity get to CamMad with my interactions with them. It is not easy!

Tonight I had the honor of putting Child2 to bed and in the last few minutes the Child awoke from a sound sleep and cried out. I, being a caring parent, ran up and soothe the grumpy child. The child asked for me to stay for a couple of minutes. In those couple of minutes I felt like I had a little sanctuary where I could really think about things and try to sort out all of the stuff going on at work. Do I think I figured it out? No, but at least it gave me a chance to start and that is a lot better than where I was an hour ago.

Enough about me, CamMad is starting to make the big adjustments to the school year. We still are dealing with the meltdowns but they are becoming fewer and farther in between meltdowns. Tomorrow starts our longest day with school and gymnastics in the evening. Child1 is really looking forward to the experience and in some ways I'm looking forward to the dedicated time to catch up on some of the best creativity times I get throughout the year. For some reason I can be at the gymnastics class and come up with great insights and ideas for work, who knew!

Right now I'm mentally drained and I don't really have much else to blog that would be meaningful and not selfish. Good night everyone!


At 11:03 PM , Blogger Sheepish Annie said...

Sorry its all starting off so badly. Maybe things will improve once folks get their bearings. Meanwhile there's good stuff going on with the kidlets to distract even the most harried Mom 'n Dad! Happy Friday!


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