Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Is it something in the air?

That is a very interesting question because the 'rents have that scratchy throat and tiredness that only comes when one is sick. I'm not as a bad off as Parent2 is at this stage. If work commitments didn't dictate attendance Parent2 probably wouldn't have made it to work today. Anyway enough about us you're here to read about CamMad.

CamMad has tried to eek out the last drops of the nice weather in September. When we get home from our day jobs we've been outside playing. Child1 and I have a game where I kick this giant ball up in the air and Child1 tries to hit it out of the air like a volleyball. This activity has been mutually beneficial. Child1 gets to run around and enjoy the fresh air and I can put frustrations from work into ball and not in an unhealthy mode. Child2 just likes to be outside playing in only a way that Child2 enjoys.

I've got to admit the last couple of days I never been more proud of Child1. Those of you who know me know my situation with Child1's education. In the last couple of days I've been hearing more and more positive compliments about Child1's accomplishments in school. It gives me such a warm feeling. I'm not going to sit back here and take all of the credit (just enough to make my ego feel better). Everytime someone pays that kind of a compliment towards me I feel like the parenting style we have is validated. By no means do I feel like Child1 is perfect or a model child but Child1 is a responsible, caring, and has a good head on the shoulders. Even though we may hold Child2 to the same kinds of standards that Child1 has I definitely feel like Child2 is not going to be following in the shadows of Child1 but will establish a persona that is different (but still in a good positive way).

A side note: How is it that Jerry Springer is still in the show Dances with Stars? I don't get it!

New side note: Why is it that CBS is not in HD out here?

Tomorrow is my marathon day. I probably won't have time to blog. Sheepish, if you see us in the parking lot please wave. I don't want a repeat of last week's disappointment!


At 9:28 PM , Blogger Sheepish Annie said...

We blame the poorly behaving vehicle and the plague. I'm a bit distracted of late! I promise to do a better job of watching out for small, waving children. Hug CamMad for me and make sure child1 knows that it was just an oversight!


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