What superhero are you?
You are Superman
| You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others. ![]() |
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Life with CamMad is never boring. This blog will highlight some of their experiences.
| You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others. ![]() |
Sheepish and I were talking today and both of us agree that this vacation week is more of a break from the work routine than it is a siesta. Too many family obligations has meant less time to dedicate to the "I can do that during the vacation" list. I know that I had a lot of personal to-dos that are going by the wayside as each day passes. I've come to the realization that this will only be a break from the work routine and I'm okay with that. February's vacation week contains less family obligations so that it may be more of a siesta, if I don't put too many expectations on it.
No blood was shed during breakfast this morning. Although my brother and his wife almost got an earfull (in the moment but the moment passed) when they crank called me at 8:00AM when we weren't there (they were running even later). I was a good person and kept my mouth shut as I was already scolded by my grandmother about potential behaviors.
Everyone in the CamMad house is sleeping (except for me) as we've endured the marathon of the holiday season, rounds 2 and 3. Rounds 2 and 3 consists of gifts at the CamMad house and the cousins respectively. CamMad must have been very good in Santa's eyes because our house is bursting at the seams with the new clothes, toys, books, and just good stuff that was bestowed on CamMad by Santa and his elves.
Well Round 1 of xmas is over. The big extended family got together and had their xmas party. My grandparents got their picture of the great grandchildren and they were very happy. We ate and watched the Pats game (yea Pats). At halftime we had our Yankee Swap. Parent2 ended up with a gas card and I started with movie tickets but my brother traded it for a big package of toilet paper and a solitaire game. My brother was suppose to give the gift to my Uncle but his wife vetoed it when she got stuck with a yard of sausage. I'm cursed when it comes to Yankee Swaps and Secret Santas.
Yes I'm doing some household projects during the siesta. Today's was done by accident. After watching "This Old House" I thought I would check on the water pressure in the shower. We've wished we had the pressure Seinfield joked about in his famous shower episode. Anyway I took apart the shower head and realized there was enough sand clogging up the shower head to fill a sand box. Within a couple of minutes we had full pressure in the shower! Yippee! Next I went to the kitchen and removed a smaller amount there. Okay I'm done with the household projects today. I'm going back to regularly scheduled programming.
We are now in Siesta mode. We all enjoyed sleeping in (well Parent2 went to bed early) this morning. We are busy getting the house ready for Santa and all of the presents CamMad is going to be bestow on this household. Tomorrow starts up the family festivities.
There is definitely an inverse relationship to the number of days until Christmas and children's level of excitement (yes I did well in math). CamMad is getting more and more excited as we approached that magical day in their lives. Getting to sleep each night is interesting as they say "I'm too excited to go to sleep!" they are going down pretty easy. I think they are so tired that the excitement just wears them out.
I think fate is trying to tell me something. About an hour ago I heard this loud bang and I looked around and didn't see anything out of the ordinary so I dismissed it. 10 minutes ago I went down to the laundry room to get something for tomorrow morning and noticed a sea of blue on the floor. Yes, the laundry detergent bottle, about half of a 300 oz econo size, leaked on the floor! I should have called in the DEP but I decided to clean it myself. The towels don't need anything else for the next 7 laundry washing cycles! Ugh.
I have a new theory when it comes to children's behavior and the different phases of the moon. You've heard me talk about the connection between the full moon and children's "off" behavior. Off as in behaviors that are uncommon and usually uncharacteristic. Well my new theory now includes the "new" moon. Lately I've noticed a lot of children's, mine included, behaviors being off. At first I chalked it up to the upcoming siesta and mass presents that might be coming their way. I looked at the calendar and realized the new moon was this morning! Ah-ha a rational explanation of children's behavior...at least that is what I've convinced myself.
It has been a very busy week getting all of the elfin' duties taken care of before showtime next weekend. I haven't been able to get it done in the traditional sense (after work or during the weekend) that I decided that I needed to take the bull by the horns and take a personal day from work to commit to my goal. Yesterday I must have walk the equivalent to 10 miles, dodged carts, swirved around slow people in the express lane of the Mall, and forsaked lunch in order to be on time for our Thursday night commitment. I didn't get it all done by I got enough that I feel I will be ready for showtime next weekend.
Yes it was inevitable but Child1 lost some weight today. That front tooth that was hanging by a thread was gone before lunch. The child walked around school and home showing off the beautiful little treasure chest that the school nurse provides so the tooth fairy can make the swap off later tonight. That was the big new of the day at the house of CamMad. Everything else was ho-hum.
There are a couple of reasons why I'm excited about Xmas this year. The first one will be that it will mark the one year birthday for this blog. Doesn't sound like much but I'm pretty proud of the stories we've told. I just scored a present today that I'm very excited in having the Parent2 open. I hope everyone understands why I can't disclose anything more.
This week has been a busy week in the land of CamMad. The 'rents have had later meetings and the kids had successful weeks that got us out of routines. For some reason when we get out of our routine there isn't as much time (funny how that happens) to blog. Anyway let me provide you (the reader) a recap of the last few days.
Today was the typical early winter tease weather-wise. Either it will snow 6 inches or snow with no accumulation. Today was the later. Around 8am Child1 and I noticed the paper flake size snowflakes. It last for about an hour with zero accumulation. Alas we have the early winter season in the Northeast.
Is this the beginning of December? Yesterday's weather said differently. We had temperatures in the 60's and thunderstorms! The thunderstorms were bad enough to prevent Child1 from going to sleep last night until much later. Oh well! I'm sure we will pay for this kind of weather with high temperatures that can be counted on one hand with fingers left over.
Yesterday was the famous put up the Christmas tree with the ultimate hope that Santa will find his way to our house and leave CamMad lots of presents (as long as they stay on his good list). It was not as easy as it should have been. CamMad really wanted to help out but their version of help actually made more work for the 'rents.